Monthly Neurodiversity-Affirming Yoga Group

These monthly classes are a melding of yoga as an embodiment practice, mindfulness, self-care, self-attunement, and deep rest. In support of individuals who identify as neurodivergent (those who have been diagnosed with a mental health condition or developmental disability including autism, ADHD, sensory processing differences, PTSD, OCD, social anxiety, depression, addiction), these classes can benefit you if:

  • You feel disconnected from your body and/or the world around you

  • You have difficulty identifying emotions (yours and/or others)

  • You find it hard to relax

  • You are hyper-vigilant, you perceive the world as unsafe

  • Your senses are easily overwhelmed

  • You struggle with self-esteem and want to change your relationship with your thoughts

  • You experience chronic pain and/or fatigue

  • You want to use your physical body to improve balance and motor control

  • You wish to explore how physical strength can translate into mental and emotional empowerment

  • You are seeking ways to care for and to know your body, mind and nervous system more intimately

  • You want to relax from social masking and take part in a parallel movement group activity

  • You seek a safe space to show up in a way that is authentic to your neurotype

Each class is an exploration of yoga as a body-based awareness practice and a therapeutic antidote to challenges individuals with neurological differences can encounter such as sensory overload and negative emotional states including anxiety and depression. During practice, students are encouraged to slow down, create space and tune into the shifting landscape of the mind and the internal sensations of the body.

Classes will be free of music, overhead lighting and fragrances.

Please check with your healthcare provider if you have a chronic health condition(s) and are unsure if yoga practice is suitable.

This class is safe and appropriate for beginners of yoga as well as those with some experience. Please bring a water bottle and wear clothing you can stretch and feel comfortable in. All yoga props including mats will be provided. However, you are welcome to bring your own mat and props.

When: First Sundays of each month, except June 16, 2024 (no class June 2)
10:30 AM to 11:45 AM
Where: Aditi Yoga Studio at Wallingford Center (in-person only)
1815 North 45th Street, Suite 205
Seattle, WA 98103
Plentiful parking available in the surface lot
Cost: $45 per class
Limit 12 students. Please reserve your spot in advance of each class by emailing me at:

Restorative Yoga Therapy: A Force for Healing

"Grace can only find welcome in those sitting still." — Anne Synder


Restorative yoga therapy incorporates passive yoga postures, breathing practices, meditation, mindfulness, deep relaxation, and self-inquiry to support a range of emotional conditions that include anxiety, depression, chronic stress, trauma, grief and loss.   Restorative yoga is a safe and gentle approach to learning how to inhabit the physical body, to self-regulate the nervous system, and to realize within one’s self a safe refuge.   We work to keep the nervous system calm and balanced by consistently engaging the relaxation response of the parasympathetic nervous system in order to support the healing process.  Through the consistent practice of deep rest and reflection, we recover our sense of wholeness, balance and strength, qualities that are ever-present within us, waiting to be reclaimed.