Autism and ADHD presentation and experience can vary greatly from person to person, making it difficult to trust your own thoughts regarding self-diagnosis. While self-identification as neurodivergent is certainly valid, there may still be a desire to have a clinician formally confirm or rule out a diagnosis. The benefits of seeking a formal diagnosis of ADHD or autism as an adult includes greater self-understanding and self-compassion and the ability to advocate for workplace or medical accommodations if needed.
Please note: If you are seeking a diagnosis for the purpose of receiving WA state disability, you will need to be assessed by a psychologist, neurologist or psychiatrist. You can find a referral list to such providers on my Resource page under ADHD and Autism psychological testing. Furthermore, an assessment does not guarantee a diagnosis and a diagnosis does not guarantee any accommodations. If you are seeking accommodations, please verify with the organization what they require for access.
What does the assessment process look like?
90 min MIGDAS-2 interview
Sensory Profile Assessment
Review of Self-Assessments (RAADS-R, AQ, Monotropism, Brown Scale, ASRS-1)
1 hour feedback session
Full report with test results and personalized list of resources and referrals.