“When we become truly transparent, we see the world clearly and we let the world see into us.” — Joan Halifax

We all wish to be seen, heard, and supported and many, if not most, of us are not.   Instead we spend most of our moments suffering alone, disconnected and afraid.   When we gather with others in a safe, inclusive space, we find that the solution to isolation and fear is found in safely allowing others to see us as we are and in having our voices heard.  When we dare to reveal our true selves while sitting with others, dare to be honest, dare to face and embrace what we have previously rejected inside, we discover a profound sense of connection and the deep relief that comes from being seen, understood, and thus finally able to rest.  


Do you identify with being introverted, highly-sensitive or an empath? Have you ever been diagnosed with autism, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, PTSD, anxiety or depression? Are you prone to feeling sensory, cognitive, and/or emotional overwhelm? Do you feel disconnected from your body or the world around you? Do you have an underlying sense that there is something different about your mind, emotions and/or experiences?

Neurodiversity refers to the healthy variation in how different people’s brains receive, process and respond to stimuli. To function well, those of us who identify as neurodivergent need to understand our neurology and how best to adapt within a world that is not set up for us.   

In this group, we will learn:
1) How our brain/neurology/nervous system works
2) How our unique neurology affects our emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and relationships
3) The importance of self-understanding and a self-care routine that stabilizes our nervous system
4) Ways to work with anxiety, depression, meltdowns and shutdowns
And more…

Dates: 6 Tuesdays: January 9 to February 13, 2024
Time: 5 PM to 6 PM
Location: Saturn Building in Fremont
3417 Evanston Avenue North, Suite 310. Seattle WA 98103 
Cost: $275 (total for all 6 sessions). Limited scholarships available based on financial need.

To register, please email me at

2) SELF-IDENTITY: Who am I and What do I want? (next session TBD)

“You cannot seek water from the one who drained your seas. You cannot build a home for your worth inside of another being. The medicine is when you return to yourself. Where you will remember your strength, reclaim your own rhythm, and write your new song.” — Victoria Erickson

The work of Self-Identity and Self-Discovery begins with understanding who we are, what makes us unique, what strengthens us and makes us whole.  At the same time, where are we challenged and what is calling to be healed in order for us to become our truest selves?  In this process, we come closer to knowing what it is we want in what Mary Oliver calls our "one wild and precious life."  

What in my life (people, places, pursuits) holds meaning for me and why? How do I care for my well-being? What is life (my body, my thoughts, my emotions, and my relationships) showing me?

We will gather to explore important questions that inform our self-concept and participate in collective healing in a supportive community.  Through individual check-ins, group discussions and self-reflection, we will come to discover and recover who we are as individuals and who we are in relationship to others.

Dates: 6 Wednesdays — June 7 thru July 12, 2023
Time: 5:30 to 7 pm
Location: Online over Zoom
Cost: $300 Limited scholarships available based on financial need.
Maximum: 8 participants

To register, please email me at

3) EMOTIONAL LITERACY - The Language of Feelings (next session TBD)

Social scientists argue that emotional intelligence is equally as important, if not more so, as cognitive ability.  We see elementary schools offering Social and Emotional Learning to young children as evidence of the importance of teaching emotional intelligence at an early age.  On a basic level, emotions inform us about what we like and don’t like.  On a deeper level, emotions point us to our greatest needs and longings.  As social creatures hardwired for connection, our ability to access, organize, express, and regulate our emotions is crucial if we want to have satisfying interpersonal relationships.  Finally, a mastery of our emotions is needed now more than ever as we struggle amidst changing times and pandemic challenges.

In this course, we will examine some common emotions with which we struggle: anxiety, fear, sadness, and anger, along with mixed emotions like overwhelm and guilt. Pleasant emotional states like joy and gratitude will also be covered.  We will go into the heart of each emotion, examine its range (i.e. anger can show up as mild irritation to full blown rage; fear can range from worry to terror), recognize that emotions connect mind and body, past and present, intention and action. Finally we will explore what happens in our brain and nervous system when we are in the grip of a challenging emotion and how we can self-soothe or allow another to co-regulate with us. There will be space to share and receive support around emotions that are arising most prominently in our present day lives.

Dates: TBD 6 Weeks
Time: TBD
Location: Saturn Building in Fremont
3417 Evanston Avenue North, Suite 310. Seattle, WA 98103
Cost: TBD Limited scholarships available based on financial need.
Maximum: 8 participants

To register, please email me at